Author name: Chris Klaus

Image to symbolize PEO Co-Employment.
Thought Leadership

A Guide For HR Leaders Weighing PEO Co-Employment

Human resources leaders wear many hats. You handle talent acquisition, onboarding, compensation, benefits, compliance, workplace issues, and so much more. With limited time and resources, it can be tempting to hand over some of these burdens to a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). But is PEO Co-employment right for your company? This guide examines key considerations […]

A Guide For HR Leaders Weighing PEO Co-Employment Read Post »

POE Consolidation drives: competition, innovation, growth.
News & Analysis

Future Implications from PEO Consolidation in 2024

Human resources leaders have a lot on their plates. Between payroll, benefits, compliance, and employee relations issues, HR tasks can become overwhelming. This is why many companies are turning to Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) for help. The PEO industry has seen rapid growth, with the global market predicted to increase at a CAGR of 11.10% from

Future Implications from PEO Consolidation in 2024 Read Post »

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